Thursday, March 13–6 p.m.–Cascadia Writers-in-Conversation Series, Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave. S., #E, Edmonds, WA–The featured writer will be Mónica Guzmán, author of I Never Thought of It That Way: How to Have Fearlessly Curious Conversations in Dangerously Divided Times
Monday, March 17–6 p.m.–The Last Grand Tour event (with Sharma Shields) at Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Avenue, Spokane, WA
Saturday, March 22–2 p.m.–The Last Grand Tour event at Pacific Mist Books, 122 W. Washington St., Sequim, WA
TBA–The Last Grand Tour event at Island Books, 3014 78th Ave. SE, Mercer Island WA
Saturday, April 5–6 p.m.–The Last Grand Tour event at Cloud & Leaf Bookstore, 447 Laneda Ave, Manzanita, OR
Wednesday, April 16–6 p.m.–Cascadia Writers-in-Conversation Series, Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave. S., #E, Edmonds, WA–The featured writer for this evening will be announced on March 13.
Thursday, April 17–6 pm.–The Last Grand Tour event at the Lopez Library, Lopez Island, WA
Thursday, May 8–6 p.m.–Cascadia Writers-in-Conversation Series, Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave. S., #E, Edmonds, WA–The featured writer for this evening will be announced on April 16.
Tuesday, May 13–7 p.m.–SEATTLE LAUNCH for An Island to Myself at Third Place Books-Ravenna, 6504 20th Ave NE, Seattle, WA
Thursday, May 15–6:30 p.m.–An Island to Myself event at Eagle Harbor Book Co., 157 Winslow Way E., Bainbridge Island, WA
Tuesday, May 20–6 p.m.–An Island to Myself event (with David Naimon) at Broadway Books, 1714 NE Broadway St., Portland, OR
Thursday, June 5–7 p.m.–An Island to Myself event (with Kaethe Schwehn) at Content Bookstore, 314 Division Street, Northfield, MN
June 9-18–I’ll be leading a 10-day retreat called Apart and Yet a Part, Collegeville Institute, MN–the application deadline has passed–see the Collegeville Institute website for details.
Friday, June 20–10:30 a.m.–”The Importance of Place in Thomas Merton’s Vision of Solitude,” presentation, International Thomas Merton Society conference.
Sunday, June 22–2 p.m.–An Island to Myself event (with Judith Valente) at Tattered Cover Book Store, 2526 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO
TBA–An Island to Myself event at The Silver Unicorn Bookstore, 12 Spruce St, Acton, MA
June 1-10–Apart and Yet a Part, a ten-day retreat, Collegeville Institute, MN–applications will open in fall 2025–see the Collegeville Institute website for details.
Coming soon: More readings and other appearances related to my new novel The Last Grand Tour (Korza Books, January 28, 2025) and my forthcoming memoir An Island to Myself: The Place of Solitude in an Active Life (Monkfish Publishing, May 13, 2025).
Please use the form below to let me know if you’re interested in hosting a talk, reading, workshop, or seminar.
Previous Events:

Wednesday, June 17–Mountain Writers, Vie de Bohème, Portland, OR

Saturday, August 29–1 p.m.–Lopez Library, Lopez Island, WA

Friday, September 4–6:30–Edmonds Bookshop, 111 5th Ave. S, Edmonds, WA

Saturday, September 5–6 p.m.–Seattle Book Launch!–University Bookstore, 4326 University Way NE, Seattle, WA
Monday, September 14–5 p.m.–Andrew White Student Center 4th Floor Program Room, Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore, MD, sponsored by the Catholic Studies Program and the Departments of English and Writing
Tuesday, September 15–4:30–Lee Reception Room, Reinsch Library, Main Campus, Marymount University, Arlington, VA, co-sponsored by the Departments of English and Theology & Religious Studies

Wednesday, September 16–New York Book Launch at Lincoln Center!–6 p.m., 12th Floor Lounge, Lowenstein Building, Fordham University Lincoln Center Campus, NYC, co-sponsored by Fordham University Press and The Curran Center for American Catholic Studies at Fordham University
Thursday, September 17–7 p.m.–Fairfield University Bookstore, 1499 Post Road, Fairfield, CT, co-sponsored by the MFA in Creative Writing, the Center for Catholic Studies, and the Learning for a Lifetime Program at Fairfield University

Friday, September 18–7:45 p.m.–”The Wise Simplicity of Robert Lax,” Mary House, Catholic Worker, 55 E. 3rd, NYC
Saturday, September 19–2 p.m.–International Thomas Merton Society Chapter, Corpus Christi Church, 529 W. 121st, NYC
Sunday, September 20–11 a.m. to noon–book signing–Fordham University Press booth, Brooklyn Book Festival, Brooklyn, NY

Monday, September 21–7 p.m.–In conversation with C.K. Williams, Richard Kostelanetz and Paolo Javier, McNally Jackson Books, 52 Prince St., NYC
Tuesday, September 22–7 p.m.–Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 3038 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, MN
Thursday, September 24–11:45 a.m.–St. John’s University, MN (by invitation only)
Friday, September 25–4 p.m.–”Transformed by Passionate Intent: The Life and Poetry of Robert Lax,” MacLaurinCSF at the University of Minnesota, 1337 Cleveland Ave N., St. Paul, MN
Sunday, October 4–3 p.m.–Elliott Bay Books, 1521 10th Ave., Seattle, WA, co-sponsored by Image and Wave Books.

Tuesday, October 6–7:15 p.m., Pilot House Bookstore, University of Portland, Portland, OR, co-sponsored by the Garaventa Center and the UP English Department
Monday, October 19–7 p.m.–Malaprop’s Bookstore, 55 Haywood St., Asheville, NC
Tuesday, October 20–7 p.m.–Regulator Bookshop, 720 Ninth St., Durham, NC
Wednesday, October 28–6 p.m.–In conversation with Poetry editor Don Share and critic Max Nelson–Seminary Co-op Bookstore, 5751 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL, co-sponsored by The Point
Thursday & Friday, October 29 & 30–Meetings with students and faculty, St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN
Friday, October 30–3:45 p.m.–”The Language of Spiritual Literature in a Post-Religious Age,” panel presentation at the Transcending Orthodoxies Conference, Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN
Sunday, November 1–1 p.m., City Lit Books, 2523 N. Kedzie Blvd. Chicago, IL

Tuesday, November 3–4 p.m., room 516, Casey Building, Seattle University, 825 10th Ave., Seattle, WA

Saturday, November 7–two events at Portland’s Wordstock book festival:
2:3o p.m.–a “pop-up” reading from Pure Act in the Modern Wing on the first floor of the Portland Art Museum, 1219 SW Park Ave., Portland, OR
5 p.m.–On Biography: Joan Didion and Robert Lax, a conversation with Tracy Daugherty (author of The Last Love Song: A Biography of Joan Didion), at the Miller Gallery (Mark Building, 1st floor), Portland Art Museum, 1219 SW Park Ave., Portland, OR
Tuesday, November 10–private book club appearance, Portland, OR
Thursday, November 19–7:30 p.m.–Green Apple Books on the Park, 1231 9th Ave., San Francisco, CA
Sunday, December 6–noon-4 p.m.–Holiday Cheer, festive book signings by Oregon authors–Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR
Wednesday, December 9–7 p.m.–A Celebration of Robert Lax, with poet John Beer, Oregon Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington St, Portland, OR
Thursday, February 11, 2016–7 p.m.–A Celebration of Robert Lax, with poet John Beer, City Lights Books, 261 Columbus Ave., San Francisco, CA
Tuesday, February 16, 2016–7:30 p.m.–Pegasus Books, 2349 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA
Tuesday, February 23, 2016–6:30 p.m., room 333, Smith Memorial Union, Portland State University, Portland, OR
Friday, April 1, 2016–2:30 p.m.–book signing at the Fordham Press booth at the AWP in Los Angeles, CA
Friday, June 3–4:15 p.m., Library of Virginia, 800 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA
Tuesday, March 21–4 p.m.–”The Island of Uncommon Life: Robert Lax and the Joy of Uncertainty,” Lenna Visiting Professor Lecture, Walsh Auditorium, St. Bonaventure U., Olean, NY
Tuesday, March 28–6:30 p.m., “Robert Lax: Son of Olean, Poet of Greece,” Olean Public Library, 134 N 2nd St, Olean, NY
Friday, March 31–1 p.m.–”A Saint of the Avant-Garde: Robert Lax and the Concrete Poets,” Never Abolish Chance concrete poetry conference, 209 Swan Business Center, St. Bonaventure University, Olean, NY

Saturday, April 22–2 p.m.–”Getting Down to the Truly Personal in Personal Essay and Memoir,” workshop, Terroir Creative Writing Festival, Chemeketa Community College, Yamhill Valley Branch, McMinnville, OR

Friday, April 28–9:15-10:30 a.m.–”Biography and the Catholic Literary Legacy,” panel discussion, McNally Amphitheatre, Lincoln Center Campus, Fordham University, New York, NY

Monday, May 15–5 p.m.–English Department Writing Awards address, Clark College, Vancouver, WA

Thursday, May 18–7 p.m.–reading, Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St., Brookline, MA
Friday, June 16–7 p.m.–”Harpo and the Clown of God: The Seven-Storied Friendship of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax,” International Thomas Merton Society conference, St. Bonaventure University, Olean, NY (Note: This talk with be live-streamed–to tune in, go to: http://merton.org/2017/default.aspx#stream)
Monday-Friday, June 19-23, Nonfiction Workshop, Summer Writers’ Week, Manhattanville College, Purchase NY
Monday-Sunday, July 24-30, “Writing Beyond the Academy,” Writing Workshop, Collegeville Institute, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN–applications closed
Tuesday-Monday, August 1-7, “Apart and Yet a Part,” Writing Workshop, Collegeville Institute, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN–applications closed
Saturday, March 10–9 a.m.–”The Lives of Others: Biography as Creative Nonfiction”–panel, AWP conference, Room 12, First Floor, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, FL
Monday, June 18-Friday, June 22–nonfiction writing workshop–Manhattanville College MFA Summer Writers’ Week, Purchase, NY
Wednesday, July 25-Tuesday, July 31–writing coach, Writing Beyond the Academy writing week, Collegeville Institute, MN–to apply, click here. Application deadline is Monday, February 5, 2018
Thursday, August 2-Wednesday, August 8–writing coach, Writing Beyond the Academy writing week, Collegeville Institute, MN–to apply, click here. Application deadline is Monday, February 12, 2018
November 5-9–Participating in a week of readings and talks with other resident writers, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Friday, November 30–7 p.m.–A Celebration of Robert Lax–talks and readings to celebrate Lax and New Directions’ release of a new edition of his book 33 Poems–with John Beer and Stacey Tran, Elizabeth Kray Hall, Poets House, 10 River Terrace, New York City–$10, $7 for seniors & students, free for Poets House members
Sunday, February 17–4 p.m.–A Tribute to Robert Lax (with John Beer & Eckhard Froeschlin), Passages Bookshop, 1223 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR
Thursday, March 28–7 p.m. (doors open at 5 p.m.)–In His Own Words: Tribute to Brian Doyle (with Sy Safransky, Chip Blake, Joe Wilkins, Brenda Miller, David James Duncan, Kim Stafford, Robin Cody, Jourdan Amani Keith, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, and John Freeman), McMenamins Mission \Theater, 1624 NW Glisan St, Portland, OR–SOLD OUT
April 1-30–Resident Scholar, Collegeville Institute, MN
Monday, June 17-Friday, June 21–nonfiction writing workshop–Manhattanville College MFA Summer Writers’ Week, Purchase, NY–application details coming soon!
Friday, June 28–8:45 a.m.–presentation: Making Ourselves Heard: Lessons from Thomas Merton’s Approach to Principled Dissent and Communal Renewal, International Thomas Merton Society conference, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
July 24-30–writing coach, Writing Beyond the Academy writing week, Collegeville Institute, MN–the application deadline has passed–see the Collegeville Institute website for details.
August 1-10–writing coach, Apart and Yet a Part 10-day writing retreat, Collegeville Institute, MN–the application deadline has passed–see the Collegeville Institute website for details.
June 7-17–Writing Coach, Apart and Yet a Part 10-day writing retreat, Collegeville Institute, MN–the application deadline will be in early 2020–see the Collegeville Institute website for details.
June 7-16–Writing Coach, Apart and Yet a Part 10-day writing retreat, Collegeville Institute, MN
Sept. 19-22–Workshop, Emerging Writers Mentorship Program, Collegeville Institute, MN
Sept. 19–Book club, Minneapolis, MN, private event
Thursday, May 9–7 p.m.–Interview with Mark Pomeroy about his new novel, The Tigers of Lents, Third Place Books, Ravenna store, Seattle, WA
Wednesday, June 5 to Friday, June 14–Apart and Yet A Part Workshop, Collegeville Institute, Collegeville, MN
Thursday, August 8–6 p.m.–The first in a new series of monthly conversations with Northwest writers I’ll be hosting at the Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave. S., #E, Edmonds, WA. Our first featured writer is Sharma Shields. Tickets: $14-20.
Wednesday, August 14–7 p.m.–Interview with Amanda Bellows, author of The Explorers, Powell’s Books, 1005 W Burnside, Portland, OR
Thursday, September 12–6 p.m.–In-depth interview on stage with author Debra Magpie Earling, Cascadia Writers-in-Conversation Series, Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave. S., #E, Edmonds, WA. Tickets: $14-20.
Thursday, October 10–6 p.m.–Cascadia Writers-in-Conversation Series, Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave. S., #E, Edmonds, WA–The featured writer is Clayton Page Aldern, author of The Weight of Nature: How a Changing Climate Changes Our Brains.
Thursday, November 14–6 p.m.–Cascadia Writers-in-Conversation Series, Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave. S., #E, Edmonds, WA–The featured writer will be memoirist Putsata Reang, author of Ma and Me.
Thursday, January 9–6 p.m.–Cascadia Writers-in-Conversation Series, Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave. S., #E, Edmonds, WA–The featured writer is Jessica Gigot, author of the memoir A Little Bit of Land and the poetry collection Feeding Hour.
Tuesday, January 28–3 p.m.–”From Manuscript to Marketplace: The Last Grand Tour’s Collaborative Journey,” panel discussion with the Korza Books publisher Michael Schepps, editor Molly Simas, and book designer Olivia Croom Hammerman, Portland State University, FMH 302, Portland, OR
Tuesday, January 28–7 p.m.–Book launch for The Last Grand Tour (with Brian Lindstrom), Powell’s Books, 1005 W Burnside St, Portland, OR
Thursday, January 30–6 p.m.–The Last Grand Tour event (with Gene Openshaw) at the Edmonds Bookshop, 111 5th Ave S, Edmonds, WA
Thursday, February 6–6 p.m.–The Last Grand Tour event (with Gene Openshaw) at Village Books, 1200 11th Street, Bellingham, WA
Tuesday, February 11–7 p.m.–Seattle launch for The Last Grand Tour at Third Place Books-Ravenna, 6504 20th Ave NE, Seattle, WA
Thursday, February 13–6 p.m.–Cascadia Writers-in-Conversation Series, Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave. S., #E, Edmonds, WA–The featured writer is Julie Kim, author and illustrator of the children’s books Where’s Halmoni? and Where’s Joon?
Tuesday, February 18–5:30 p.m.–The Last Grand Tour event at Tattered Cover Book Store, Aspen Grove, 7301 South Santa Fe Drive, Littleton, CO–POSTPONED
Thursday, February 20–time TBA–The Last Grand Tour event at Eagle Harbor Book Company, 157 Winslow Way E., Bainbridge Island, WA
Saturday, March 8–12 p.m.–The Last Grand Tour event at Inklings Bookshop, 5629 Summitview Ave., Yakima, WA