Selected Publications & Interviews


(Note: Most of my published writings are not available for free online, but here are a few that are.)

The Ethics of Writing About Others, The Writer’s Chronicle

On Marjory Stoneman Douglas’s The Everglades: River of Grass, Tin House

Robert Lax: Master Minimalist, Poetry

The Story Catcher, Notre Dame Magazine & Utne Reader

A Gyroscope On the Island of Love, Image

Poetic Man of God, Notre Dame Magazine

Brian Doyle and the Language of the Stage, Oregon Arts Watch

Goodness Gracious, Notre Dame Magazine

The Hidden and the Tangible, Books Combined

Links to many of my theater and book reviews for The Oregonian newspaper

A Look Back at Portland Jazz: When the Joint Was Jumpin’, Oregon History Project

The Vanport Flood and Racial Change in Portland, Oregon History Project


Michael N. McGregor on how Robert Lax’s minimalist lifestyle impacted his poetry (video)

Michael N. McGregor on why Robert Lax settled on the island of Patmos, Greece (video)

Michael N. McGregor on Robert Lax’s friendships and need for solitude (video)

To See the World As It Is: Writing the Life of Robert Lax, Propeller Magazine

The Vanport Flood (audio), NPR’s Talk of the Nation

Vanport (audio), Oregon Public Broadcasting’s Think Out Loud

The Vanport Flood: 60th Anniversary (audio), KBOO radio

The True Spirit of Poet and Mystic Robert Lax (audio), interview by Phil Cousineau for New Dimensions Radio

An Interview with Michael McGregor, University of Portland

Peace Is a Good Thing to Seek, Bearings Online