Coming Soon: An Essay on Goodness

Three months ago, in the midst of all of the post-election rancor, the editor of Notre Dame Magazine asked me what I would think about writing an essay on Goodness. He was tired of reading so much about the badness in the world, he said. I told him I’d take the project on but had no idea what I’d do with it. He seemed especially pleased at my not-knowing.

Given the times, with death and uncertainty, everywhere, nothing could have been better than spending the holiday period thinking about Goodness. The essay came to me in bits and pieces while I took long walks alone. I knew from the beginning I didn’t want to write some kind of traditional essay, but I didn’t expect the more lyrical piece I ended up creating: a meditation on what Goodness is.

The issue my essay will be in is at the printer’s now and will be mailed out to the magazine’s almost 200,000 subscribers sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. When it goes up online, I’ll post the link here.

Meanwhile, I encourage you to think about where Goodness appears in your own life. It’s a much better lens through which to see the world than the ones you find in most news outlets or social media.


A Shrewdness of Apes, A Quiver of Cobras, A Blessing of Narwhals

                             A Muster of Storks

While searching for information for a writing project the other day, I came upon a site that lists the group names for different animals. I took such delight in reading them, I thought I’d share a few of those I found most intriguing:

A gam of albatrosses, a shrewdness of apes, a dissimulation of small birds, a flutter of butterflies, a quiver of cobras, a gulp of cormorants, a consortium of crabs, a waddling of ducks, an aerie of eagles, a cast of falcons, a charm of finches, a skulk of foxes, a troubling of goldfish, an array of hedgehogs, a bloom of jellyfish, a harvest of mice, a blessing of narwhals, a passel of opossums, a romp of otters, a parliament of owls, a maelstrom of salamanders, a fling of sandpipers, a surfeit of skunks, an audience of squid, a hoover of trout, a generation of vipers, a wealth of walruses, a descent of woodpeckers, a cabinet of wrens
