A Note from A Canadian Reader

I recently received the note below from a Canadian reader.  It expresses so well the kind of response I would hope for–to my book and to Lax–that I had to share it.

“Thank you so very much for writing Pure Act! Like Robert Lax’s poetry it’s a welcoming place to go to as the competition, chaos and anxiety of the 21st century become ever-more overwhelming. At 66, I don’t think I’ve ever read a biography or memoir that is both so enlightening and comforting—one of which I can say, ‘This is thoroughly necessary.'”

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Albert J DeGiacomo
Albert J DeGiacomo
7 years ago

Michael, I finished reading Pure Act last night and didn’t want it to end. Luminous, simply luminous. Lax proves to be an exquisite spiritual companion and guide. So are you. You signed my copy of your book at the Fordham conference a few weeks ago. Thanks for your work. I see from your blog that you are speaking in my hometown of Boston this weekend. Would that I could be there, but my place now is in the heart of the bluegrass of Kentucky, less than an hour from Gethsemani. Warm regards, Fr. Albert DeGiacomo

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