To Take What Is, In Both Hands

Sculpture by Gustav Vigeland (1869–1943)
photograph: © Michael N. McGregor

I keep a copy of this poem/reflection by my writing desk. It seems more important now than ever (an English translation follows the German):

Zu Lebzeiten

by Jochen Mariss

Laß uns wieder lernen,
den Augenblick zu genießen,
zu nehmen, was ist,
mit beiden Händen,
hier und jetzt zu leben,
bevor wir das Leben verbracht haben
mit sorgenvollen Blicken in die Zukunft
und den Erinnerungen an die gute alte Zeit.

In Life

by Jochen Mariss

Let us learn again
to enjoy the moment,
to take what is
in both hands,
to live here and now,
before we have spent our life
in anxious glances toward the future
and memories of the good old times.

p.s. The photograph here is from Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo, Norway, and dedicated to those who are self-isolating with children. 🙃

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